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Lessons are learned everyday.
We humans need to learn more
from our four legged companions…
they know more than we do.


Good vs Bad People
As humans we immerse ourselves in the company of “bad people” on a daily basis. They exist at work; the one who constantly criticizes everything that they did not say or create yet they steal constantly, the one who constantly has a knife ready to plunge into your back. They exist on the road; the one who cuts you off from your exit, the one who honks at everything BEEEEEEP. They exist in the retail stores; the one who looks down their nose at you as if you couldn’t afford to shop HERE, the one who knows nothing about anything yet still collects a paycheck. They exist at school; the bully, the jerk, the sick teacher who likes embarrassing you.

My dog knows immediately if you are a good or bad person. My dog chooses just to not interact. Either you get a tail wag or my dog backs up and doesn’t give you the time of day. How cool would that be if we could walk into a room and just back up if we smelled the “bad”.

Waking Up Grumpy
As humans we dread that morning alarm; it means you have to get up, it means you have to step out of the warmth of your cozy bed, it means you might have to interact with those bad people again.

My dog loves the mornings. You would think that every day was a surprise party or something. Stretching, wagging and waiting for me to stir so kisses can be slobbered into an attack of happiness. How cool would it be if we every day we jumped up and couldn’t wait for a new adventure?

As humans we are constantly tapping away at out iPHONES, iPADS, iMACs (or PCs), tap, tap, tap, tap.

My dog does not waste time with such silly nonsense. No way my dog knows how to disconnect. Nap time. Nap time is a heart healthy. NAP time is brain healthy. Nap time unplugs the stress and wakes up the creativity. Wouldn’t it be cool if we scheduled our nap times, how dreamy would that be?

Do what Makes You Happy
As humans we put off doing what makes us happy, we sacrifice, and we procrastinate. We never have enough time to be happy.

My dog finds something, like playing fetch, and can do it again, and again and again. It is a passion, it is a joyful expression. Wouldn’t it be great if we took time out to appreciate and enjoy what we love?

Speak Up
As humans we suppress our feelings. We keep it to ourselves. We are often frightened that we might be wrong so we say nothing.

My dog tells me everything. Hey look a squirrel, a squirrel a squirrel you have to see this! Hey listen I’m hungry, see my bowl it’s empty…fill it, fill it, fill it! Hey, let’s play, let’s play, let’s play! Wouldn’t it be cool if we listened to our feelings, listened to our instincts and could speak up? How will you ever get what you need if you don’t speak up. Woof!

Never Hold a Grudge
As humans we can hold grudges for years, decades and we often miss out because as my mother would say we “cut off our nose to spite our face”.  Needlessly self-destructive over-reaction that causes bitterness.

My dog gets mad, feels bad and has split seconds of what the H@** but turns around and immediately forgives and forgets. How wonderful would it be if we could all just get along? Peace would be something attainable and not just a dream.

Yes we all need to take a lesson from our dog. It truly is a dog’s life when you really thing about it.